“I capture the beauty in the mundane and transform everyday moments into something meaningful and lasting.”

illustrator, knitter and textile artist


Light flickering on the water surface, like millions of tiny stars, leaves on trees moving in the breeze, leaving the suns reflection on the walls of a room. Filling it with patterns. The way the light changes the atmosphere around us and clouds move through the day. The clutter of a dinner party, bottles left around after pre drinks, coffee stains and eaten plates. The laughter of friends and family. The beauty in the mundane. Shoes and clothes being aimlessly tossed to the floor after a long day. The everyday messes of clutter. The crumbled up sheets of a bed, traces of sleep and comfort left behind.

The small details that often go unnoticed but shape our lives. The memories that build a home. The human experience. I am driven by these glimpses of the world trying to capture the mundane beauty of them, like chasing after a long lost memory.

My work explores my personal life, the people in it, the places I’ve traveled the beauty I have seen along the way. Its my way of capturing my life journey, the things that have shaped who I am.

Art as a reflection diary filled with nostalgia and gratitude for where I’ve been. I work on capturing the homes I’ve lived in and the items and memories I’ve collected along the way.

I am a multidisciplinary artist. My work branches from intricate fine liner and pencil drawings, watercolour, oil and acrylic paintings. To screen printing on fabric and textiles, embroidery and knitwear. Mixing and combing these disciplines. Weaving together where I come from with

a longing to understand myself, the path I am choosing and embracing the aimlessness of it all.

Collaging and piecing together my journey into abstract colour combinations and patterns.

My art is warm, colourful, bright and nostalgic, transforming everyday moments into something meaningful and lasting.


Email: clarastellaamelie@me.com

Social: clara_gundlach

Phone: + 49 1795110834